9th Annual Labour/Trade Union Conference 2022
Theme: Mastery of Industrial Relations & Conflict Resolution Conference
Venue: Western Bricks Hotel, 2 Club Avenue, Beside Enugu Sport Club, Enugu State
Date: 16 - 19 Aug 2022
Early Bird Registration and Payment before 5th of August 2022 Attracts 10% discount
Harmonious industrial relations refer to an industrial environment where workers along with their union and management understand and accept each other as partners in progress; a cooperative attitude is mutually beneficial in terms of output, performance, and rewards.
Industrial harmony enhances labor productivity as one of the critical means of improving performance in all sectors, achieving economic growth, and enhancing living standards and quality of life. It creates a peaceful working environment that is attractive to tolerance, dialogue, and other alternative means of resolving industrial or labor disputes.
This conference will discuss the imperative of industrial harmony for higher productivity in Nigeria.
Conference Objectives
By the end of this Conference, participants will learn to:
- Acquire professional knowledge, skills, and applications of Industrial Relations
- Understand the Industrial Relations environment
- Identify emerging areas of industrial relations
- Have a response mechanism to respond speedily to industrial relation challenges in the organization
- Create the best compensation and good working conditions for the employees
- Have proactive industrial relations approaches.
Conference Content:
- Overview of industrial relations practices
- Principles and practices of good industrial relations
- Key players in industrial relations
- How to develop excellent industrial relations with all employees
- Payment of fair and reasonable wages
- Negotiations and collective bargaining strategies
- Developing a proper communication system between employer and employees.
- Policy on employees to keep pace with technological, social, and economic changes.
- Effective Conflict and grievance handling
- How to create an excellent relation with trade union
- Industrial relations act and labor laws
- Steps involved in termination of an employment relationship
- How to provide satisfactory working conditions for employees
Target Group: Senior & Middle Managers, Administrators, Supervisors, Industrial Relations Managers/Officers, Line Managers, Staff working in Human Resources, and Trade Union Officials.
Others can attend and will benefit immensely from the Conference.
8th Annual Labour/Trade Union Conference 2020
Theme: Transformational Industrial (IR) and Employee Relations (ER) Conference
Date: 21 - 24 Sep 2021.
Venue: NSPRI Guest House, 32/38, Barikisu Off UNILAG Rd., Onitiri, Yaba, Lagos
Fee: Participants based outside Nigeria $500 or Participants based in Nigeria N69,500
Industrial Relations is concerned with the maintenance of the employment relationship, essentially how trade unions and management of an organisation interact.
The conference on Transformational Labour & Industrial Relations conference will provide participants with current understanding of Labour and Industrial Relations (IR) practices..This dynamic and interactive conference will help you transform your industrial relations, so it meets the needs of all stakeholders over the coming decade.
Industrial Relations has undergone many changes over the past decade, but it continues to be a critical area for all organisations.
The conference will highlight:
- Employee Relations (ER & IR) – What it is and What it should be?
- The economic, legal & social perspectives of IR
- The employment relationship and the psychological contract
- Negotiation skills for collective bargaining
- How to manage workplace conflict?
- An Introduction to Mediation Techniques
Conference Objectives
By the end of this Conference, participants will learn to:
- Develop a collaborative approach to labour & industrial relations
- Examine techniques and methodologies for enhancing & transforming IR
- Appreciate the importance of employee engagement and empowerment
- Understand the people factors in IR
- Critically analyse the possibilities of effective conflict resolution
- Utilise mediation skills as a practical intervention into disputes
Organisational Impact
- An appreciation of the benefits of transformational IR in the workplace
- A focus on best-practices in labour and industrial relations
- Stronger labour management relations
- Reduced time and costs spent on grievance arbitration
- Promoting and supporting collaboration in negotiations
Personal Impact
- Improve your effectiveness as a trade union delegate or official
- Develop practical, transferable skills and competencies
- Better understand the future of labour and industrial relations
- Practical skills in the practice of mediation
- Learn about the modern role of the union official or delegate
Training Contents
1. Transformational Employee, Labour & Industrial Relations
- The Context for Labour, Employee & Industrial Relations
- Understanding the Functional Role of Trade Unions
- Trade Unionism in Africa, The Gulf, and Globally
- Current Trends in Employee & Industrial Relations
- The Nature of the Employment Relationship and the Psychological Contract
- Employee Relations: Economic, Legal & Social Perspectives
2. Vital People Factors in the Workplace
- Collective Negotiation and Consultation
- Techniques and Processes to Manage Grievances Efficiently
- Dignity at Work: Workplace Bullying Example
- The ‘Flexible Firm’ Model and the Labour Utilisation
- Involvement, Participation, and Employee Voice
3. Negotiation Skills for Collective Bargaining
- Collective Bargaining
- A Win-Win Approach to Negotiation
- Stages of Negotiation & the Coleman Raider “Bare-bones” Model
- Exploring Competition and Cooperation
- Introduction to Reframing Techniques
- Cultural Differences that Affect Negotiation and Collective Bargaining
4. Managing Conflict and Workplace Mediation Skills
- Understanding Conflict
- Analysing your Conflict Handling Behaviour (styles)
- Resolving and Managing Conflict – avoiding conflict escalation
- The Abilene Paradox and Avoiding Groupthink
- Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
- Understanding Arbitration, Conciliation, and Mediation
5. Practical Techniques of Mediation
- The Mediation Processes
- Issues Suitable for Mediation
- The Mediator’s Role
- The 5-step Framework for Effective Mediation
- Reaching and Formalising Agreements
- Personal Action Planning
Training Methodology
Participants in this conference will receive thorough training on the subjects covered by the Conference outline with the facilitator utilising a variety of proven adult learning teaching and facilitation techniques.
This conference is very participatory and interactive. It involves skill practice in a group setting. Training methodology includes individual and group activities that will intersperse the sessions. A variety of practical sessions, relevant case studies, simulations, and group games and activities are programmed into this Conference.
Who Should Attend?
- Union Delegates and Officials
- Employee Relations (ER) Personnel
- Industrial Relations (IR) Personnel
- Human Resource Management (HRM) Professionals who need to understand Industrial Relations & Employee Relations
- Those managers who would benefit from an understanding of trade union issues
- Anyone who wants to learn practical skills in labour negotiation and workplace mediation
7th Annual Labour/Trade Union Conference 2020
Theme: Non Implementation Of Collective Agreement: A Threat To Industrial Harmony
Date: 18th - 21st August, 2020.
Venue: Western Bricks Hotel, 2 Club Avenue, Beside Enugu Sport Club, Enugu State, Nigeria.
Fee: Participants based outside Nigeria $500 or Participants based in Nigeria N69,500
One of the recent ugly trends affecting collective bargaining is non implementation of collective agreements by employers. This has reduced the gains and benefits of collective bargaining as an instrument of industrial harmony in developing countries. What can be done? Which way forward? . These are some of questions begging for answers. Experienced Unionist, Labour Experts and Lawyers will gather in one hall to proffer solutions in this year conference.
This conference will also provide you with a theoretical and practical understanding of the bargaining process. You will examine the context, content, and process of the collective bargaining. While considering both union and managements perspectives, they will weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the collective bargaining to each party. You will examine the legal framework of collective bargaining. At the same time, you will consider the historical evolution of strategies and tactics employed at the bargaining table in both the private and public sectors.
Through the use of case studies, you will consider bargaining scenarios in a wide range of sectors and industries. You will also gain a practical understanding by designing and participating in mock bargaining sessions. In addition to studying the bargaining process and methods of contract enforcement, you will discuss alternative models of worker representation as well as new forms of bargaining that are evolving in the context of a global economy.
Experience the collective bargaining process through hands-on participation in a simulated negotiation. Whether you’re a newly assigned negotiator on the management team or just looking for a refresher, you get realistic insight into the emotional factors that can affect the outcome of any contract negotiation.
Benefits and Learning Outcomes
- Apply different communication skills
- Gain negotiating experience
- Appreciate what it feels like when the stakes are high
- Bargaining process and methods of collective agreement enforcement,
- Alternative models of worker representation as well as new forms of bargaining that are evolving in the context of a global economy
Conference Outline/Topics
Administration of the Collective Bargaining Agreement
Grievance Procedure
Case study: To Be Determined
Enforceability and Effect of Collective Agreements
- Establish Objective and Strike Authority
A) The Importance of Pre-Negotiation Authority
- B) The Importance of Top Management “Buy-in”
C) Protected and Unprotected Strikes
- Strike Preparations
A) As a bargaining tool
B) Strike Manual
C) Appropriate Security
- Strikes
A) Types of Strikes
B) Company Rights
C) Employee Rights
D) Settling a Strike
- Lockouts
A) Purpose
B) Hiring of Replacements
C) Employee Entitlement and Benefits
- Rules of Strikes, Lockouts, Picketing and replacement of workers
How to Negotiate: Tactics and Techniques
- Introduction to Collective Bargaining and Industrial Relations
- Sites for Collective Bargaining—Advantages and Disadvantages
A) Employer’s Premises
B) Public Buildings
C) Hotel/Motel
D) Attorneys, Banks, Etc.
E) Union Offices
- Times for Negotiations
- Bargaining Techniques
A) First Meeting
- Sources and Determinants of Bargaining Power
- Management Strategies and Structures for Collective Bargaining
- Union Organizing
- Participation Processes
- Negotiations Process with Mock Bargaining
Grievance Procedure and Economic Impact of Collective Bargaining
The programme is designed for Trade Union Leadership, Management Staff, Human resource Managers, Employee Relations Managers and Union Members
The programme will be delivered using the following methodologies: Lectures, discussions, syndicate work, Videos, case studies and exercises
ACCOMMODATION: This Conference is non-residential. Participants are to lodge in hotels of their choice near the conference centre. A list of these Hotels will be provided on request.
6th Annual Labour/Trade Union Conference 2019
Theme: RETURNING TO OUR FOUNDING PRINCIPLES:The Challenges Facing the Labour Union Movements
Date: 20th - 23rd August, 2019.
Venue: Western Bricks Hotel, 2 Club Avenue, Beside Enugu Sport Club, Enugu State, Nigeria.
Fee: Participants based outside Nigeria $500 or Participants based in Nigeria N69,500
This Conference is targeted at union officials, and activists who will benefit from a deeper understanding of the links between founding principles of unionism, economic and trade union history to assist in the development of responses to the issues facing trade unions today. The conference will look at the Keynesian approach to the 'Great Depression' with the 'New Deal' and the creation of the 'Welfare State', and rise of neoliberalism and 'Globalisation' in response and their impact on unions and the workplace.
The conference will also cover:
- Impact of Globalisation on trade unions and the workplace.
- Trade union responses to Globalisation.
- Trade Union approaches to organising.
- Practical approaches to change.
It is imperative that the Management of the various organisations to realise the urgency and benefit of empowering their union executive especially those leading the union at various levels in their organisations
by consciously building their capacities and capabilities. This allows for continuous harmony in the workplace
which will boost productivity and increase the bottom line. This is critical to corporate survival.
- The objectives of the workshops are:
To provide an opportunity for the parties to critically analyze the challenges facing labourmanagement relationship;
- To agree on where it needs to go;
To determine how it can be constructively managed;
- To clarify (and build mutual respect for) common and divergent interests;
- To explore issues of trust and risk taking associated with working collaboratively;
- To improve the knowledge and skills for working jointly;
- To develop core principles and guidelines for the working relationship;
- To produce working tools to guide consultative
- To have an opportunity to interact with union and management representatives from a variety of sectors within your region.
- The History and Principles of trade unionism
- Collective Bargaining: Preparing for Bargaining
- Best Practice Steps and Pathway s in Resolving Disputes
- Aligning Trade Union Strategies and Expectations with Organisation's Goals and Corporate Mission
- Unions, Productivity and the New Industrial Relations – Strategic Consideration
- Enforceability of Collective Agreements
- Effective Mediation and Industrial Conflict Resolution: Options and Strategies
- Defining Rights, Duties and Obligations in a Tripartite Employment Relationship (i.e. the principal, contractor companies and contractor employees)
- Conflict Resolution Skills For Union Leaders
- Public Speaking Skills For Union Advocates
- Current issues in Collective Labour Relations
The programme is designed for Trade Union Leadership, Management Staff, Human resource Managers, Employee Relations Managers and Union Members
The programme will be delivered using the following methodologies: Lectures, discussions, syndicate work, case studies and exercises.
ACCOMMODATION: This Conference is non-residential. Participants are to lodge in hotels of their choice near the conference centre. A list of these Hotels will be provided on request
5th Annual Labour/Trade Union Conference 2018
Theme: Empower Trade Unions: Create Relevance and Industrial Harmony
Date: August 14th -17th, 2018.
Venue: Western Bricks Hotel, 2 Club Avenue, Beside Enugu Sport Club, Enugu State, Nigeria.
Fee: Participants based outside Nigeria $500 or Participants based in Nigeria N69,500
The Trade Union Movement the world over has recently more than at any other time in its history come under severe stress and threats as a result of internal and external pressures that have arisen out of the changing global socio-economic relations and weakening internal capacities and capabilities to respond adequately and creatively to the challenges.
Collective bargaining has come under serious survival tests undermining the capacity of the Unions as platforms for articulating, negotiating and projecting the interests and expectations of workers the world over. Terms and Conditions of employment have all worsened with dire consequences for Industrial Relations and the Socio-economic framework.
The implications of this are increasingly lowering of labour standards the world over especially in under developed economies like ours. The abuse and violation of workplace and workers' rights and privileges are becoming increasingly commonplace. Intimidations, harassment, breaching of the Rule of Law, impunity and flagrant resort to unconventional means to resolve employee relations issues have all taken centre stage.
It is therefore imperative to state that new challenges have emerged and employers of labour both in the Public and Private sectors have adopted new strategies and tactics in conducting Human Resource management and overall Industrial Relations practice. These new practices and challenges are mostly skewed against the working people and in the long run the continued survival of organisations.
- The aims of this conference shall amongst others be;
– To equip Trade Union leadership at all levels with new leadership strategies
– To build increasing working class consciousness in the leadership
– To inculcate in the leadership at all levels new tools and skills for engaging the social partners
– To expose the leadership of the union to some of the emerging challenges to trade unions globally and in Nigeria.
– To build in trade union leaders especially the new comers the principles of Union rights and limitations
– To ensure that the Union is capable of providing benefits to its membership in the future
– To keep the Unions strategically evolving and relevant to the Management and the workplace.
– Finally, to equip the leadership with necessary skills to ensure the continuous survival of the union in a constantly changing world.
- The History and Principles of trade unionism
- Negotiation techniques in a changing society
- Workers' Rights and Employers' prerogatives in the workplace
- Democratic Dissent and trade Union Activism
- Rights abuses and violations in the workplace: Role of Union activists
- Leadership issues and challenges within the trade unions in Nigeria
- Tripartism in the context of global pressures and internal vicissitudes
- Survival/relevance of trade unions in Nigeria – tools for engagement
- Creating a symbiosis between Management objectives and Trade Union Objectives
- Obstacles to effective organising in trade unions
- Workplace harmony and responsive trade union actions
- Management – Trade union partnership for organisational survival: Issues and challenges
- Industrial Harmony: issues and challenges
- The structure, Functions and Objectives of Trade Unions
- The programme is designed for Trade Union Leadership, Management Staff, Human resource Managers, Employee Relations Managers and Union Members
ACCOMMODATION: This Conference is non-residential. Participants are to lodge in hotels of their choice near the conference centre. A list of these Hotels will be provided on request.
4Th Annual Labour/Trade Union Conference 2017
Theme: Collective Bargaining as a Tool For Organisation's Growth and Development
Date: August 21st - 24th, 2017
Venue: Centre for Management Development (CMD), Management Village, Shangisha, Off Old Lagos - Ibadan Expressway Toll Gate., Lagos, Nigeria.
Fee: Participants based outside Nigeria $500 or Participants based in Nigeria N69,500
Conflict is a natural part of our lives. Learning to handle it well will improve your relationships with other members, co-workers and the employer. This conference will:
- Deepen your understanding of conflict
- Strengthen your communication skills
- Provide opportunities to practice responding to conflict
What can your local union and Management do to get ready for bargaining? How do you choose a committee, prepare proposals and build membership support for bargaining? This conference will help you answer these questions and prepare your union for bargaining. The participants will learn more about the bargaining process by role-playing and discussing bargaining strategies. Learn how to develop a bargaining plan, present a proposal to management, and build support from the membership during bargaining.
- Collective Bargaining: Preparing for Bargaining
- Collective Bargaining: Bargaining Skills
- Combating Workplace Bullying
- Communications: Social Media
- Conflict Resolution
- Building Strong Local Unions
- Introduction to Health and Safety
- Retirement Planning
- Chairman, Chief Executives and Directors
- Trade Union Officials
- Industrial Relations Managers/Officers
- HR Managers / Personnel Officers
- Legal Advisers/ Officers
- Senior Staff of National Industrial Court (NIC) and
- Industrial Arbitration Panel (IAP)
- All union and management representatives of all labour-management consultation committees should participate in joint learning on labour management consultation
ACCOMMODATION: This Conference is non-residential. Participants are to lodge in hotels of their choice near the conference centre. A list of these Hotels will be provided on request.
Strategies in TIMES of Economic Recession
Date: 10th - 13th October, 2016
Venue: NSPRI Guest House, 32/38, Barikisu Iyede Street, Off UNILAG Rd., Onitiri, Yaba, Lagos.
Fee: N65,000
Recession can be describe as decline in gross domestic
product (GDP) for two or
more consecutive quarters
In economics, a recession is
a business cycle contraction,
a general slowdown in
economic activity over a
period of time (Websters,
Economic recession is a
period of general economic
decline and is typically
accompanied by a drop in the
stock market, an increase in
unemployment, and a decline
in the housing market.
Times like these require more
collaboration in Labour –
Management Relations
Labour Union movements
have been in the struggle for
a better society and antidevelopment
including corruption, social
injustice that has rocked and
weakened the efficacy of the
Civil/Public service in Nigeria.
What are strategies to be
adopted by Labour in times of
Economic Recession?
Experts will unveil many
strategic options.
- Management of Trade Unions in Nigeria under a Recessionary Economy
- Labour in Crisis and the reinforced Economic Governance System
- Worker Participation and industral relations
- Sustainable Development and industral policy
- Working conditions and job quality
- Trade union renewal and Productivity Movement
- Trade Union strategies to address austerity policies and to reinforce employment, quality jobs and social justice in Nigeria.
- Social dialogue, collective bargaining, changes in the labour laws and fundamental rights
Date: 12th - 15th October, 2015
Venue: University of Lagos – Nigeria UNILAG CONSULT BUILDING Opposite Unilag International School, Lagos, Nigeria.
Fee: N65,000
Learn the Keys to Union-Management Relations.
Deepen your understanding of meaningful and effective consultation and the roles and responsibilities. You will review tools and procedures to fulfill the mandate of the committee and work with other participants to create a vision for the future and a plan for its implementation.
Workshop Objectives
The objectives of the workshops are:
- To provide an opportunity for the parties to critically analyze the existing labour-management relationship;
- To agree on where it needs to go;
- To determine how it can be constructively managed;
- To clarify (and build mutual respect for) common and divergent interests;
- To explore issues of trust and risk taking associated with working collaboratively;
- To improve the knowledge and skills for working jointly;
- To develop core principles and guidelines for the working relationship;
- To produce working tools to guide consultative processes and practices.
- To have an opportunity to interact with union and management representatives from a variety of sectors within your region.
Labour–Management Consultation
-Procedures, Processes and Practices.
Problem-Solving Skills at the Employee-Supervisor and Union-Management levels
-Effective strategies for addressing employees’ welfare
-Strategies for motivating, coaching and counselling employees- Supervisors to achieve common purpose and objectives
-Effective team spirit and interpersonal skills needed to turn union members to formidable teams with common purpose and interest
Rights & Duties of Parties In Industrial Relations
- Basis of Rights and Obligations
- Employee Rights and Duties
- Employer’s Rights and Duties
- Controversial Areas
Conflict Management: Competition vs Conflict, Barriers, Root causes, Categories, Typical stages and How to effectively resolve conflict.
The Rights And Duties Of Employers And Employees
- The Psychological Contract
- Contract of Employment
- Terms and Conditions
- Protection of Special Persons
People Power / Transformation in the Workplace: Focus on how recruitment, employee development, talent retention, performance management and employee well-being can impact on an organisation’s performance.
Government, Organisation and Unions
Collaborative Approach to Improving
National Economy
Date: September 2 – 5 , 2014
Venue: University of Lagos – Nigeria UNILAG CONSULT BUILDING Opposite Unilag International School, Lagos, Nigeria.
Fee: N65,000
Disruptive labour disputes and industrial actions are taking its
tolls on national productivity and as such every organization
must evolve sustainable strategies to create a culture of
industrial harmony and an environment where the
management and the trade unions see themselves as strategic
partners in driving the organizations corporate goals.
It is against this background that this conference is conceived.
Participants will be exposed to the current trends and best
practices in labour and industrial relations management. Impact of
Industrial Conflicts Mismanagement will also be discussed
- Modern structures for the Management of Industrial Relations
- Trade unions as a Strategic Business Partner: T he Changing Roles of T rade Unions in Today's Public Sector
- Best Practice Steps and Pathway s in Resolving Disputes
- Aligning Trade Union Strategies and Expectations with Organisation's Goals and Corporate Mission
- Unions, Productivity and the New Industrial Relations – Strategic Consideration
- Enforceability of Collective Agreements
- Protected and Unprotected Strikes
- Effective Mediation and Industrial Conflict Resolution: Options and Strategies
- Defining Rights, Duties and Obligations in a Tripartite Employment Relationship (i.e. the principal, contractor companies and contractor employees)
- Conflict Resolution Skills For Union Leaders
- Public Speaking Skills For Union Advocates
- Current issues in Collective Labour Relations